13 Mrz 2019

Recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in the Netherlands.

We have been recognized for the third year in a row as one of the fastest growing Dutch companies by the leading Dutch financial newspaper, Het Financiële Dagblad.

To be nominated, a company must show a minimum revenue growth of 20% for an uninterrupted period of 3 years. In addition, the growth of employees (in FTEs) and profitability are also taken into account.

“Winning the FD Gazellen Award for the third year in a row is a great honor, but most of all a recognition of all the hard work done by our employees that have contributed to build a stable growing organization and more importantly, create a company and brand that has a strong reputation as a trustworthy and customer oriented manufacturer of reliable coffee-espresso equipment. A big Thank You to all our loyal and cooperative customers who have made this possible”.

de Jong DUKE
Marisstraat 2 
3364 AZ Sliedrecht
The Netherlands

+31 184 209 767

de Jong DUKE LLC (for North America) 
12680 Delta Street                +1 734 403 1708
Taylor, MI, 48180

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{{ errors.first('login') }}
{{ errors.first('password') }}
Sie haben eine falsche Kombination aus Benutzername und Passwort eingegeben
Sie haben 5 Mal ein falsches Passwort eingegeben. Ihr Konto wurde aus Sicherheitsgründen gesperrt. Kontaktieren Sie uns, um die Sperre aufzuheben.

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{{ errors.first('email') }}
Fragen? Kontaktieren Sie uns per [email protected]
We have emailed reset instructions to: test {{ form.email }}
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